Winter 2018, Vol. 26 No. 4
Hong Kong J. Dermatol. Venereol. (2018) 26, 189-192
Case Report
Two cases of primary osteoma cutis occurring in children
CH Song 宋翠豪, LQ Zheng 鄭力強, ZG Zhao 趙梓綱, W Ba 巴偉, L Wang 王嵐, CX Li 李承新
We report two cases of primary osteoma cutis in children. The lesions were all located on the legs, presenting as hard nodules covered by normal or mildly erythematous skin. The histopathology showed well-formed spicules of bone in the dermis. They were classified as primary osteoma cutis because there were no pre-existing lesions.
Keywords: Histopathology, Neoplasm, Primary osteoma cutis
關鍵詞: 組織病理學、腫瘤、原發性皮膚骨瘤