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Spring 2012, Vol. 20 No. 1

Hong Kong J. Dermatol. Venereol. (2012) 20, 5-11

Original Article

Reticulohistiocytosis: a case series in Hong Kong


CC Koh 許招財 and KK Jong 莊國坤

Background: Reticulohistiocytosis is a rare histiocytic proliferative disorder one form of which, multicentric reticulohistiocytosis, may mimic rheumatoid arthritis. Objective: To report on a case series of reticulohistiocytosis in Hong Kong and focus on the clinical presentation and course of disease. Materials and method: Case records with the biopsy results of reticulohistiocytoma in the period of 2005 to 2011 were retrieved from the database of the Social Hygiene Service, Department of Health, Hong Kong. Results: Three cases of reticulohistiocytoma were found, one each of solitary histiocytoma, multiple cutaneous reticulohistiocytosis and multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. One of the patients had polyarthritis and none of them had associated connective tissue disease nor malignancy. Conclusion: Reticulohistiocytosis may present as solitary or multiple lesions. It may be associated with severe arthritis and mimic rheumatoid arthritis. However, it may or may not be associated with connective tissue disease or malignancy.


Keywords: Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis, rheumatoid arthritis

關鍵詞: 多中心性網狀組織細胞瘤病,類風性濕關節炎